♡ Carpaccio di funghi porcini ♡ • this simple cep salad is an Italian classic & my favourite way to enjoy the tightest penny bun caps while they’re crunchy-fresh! ♡
Slice the firmest cep caps, with tubes what are still white, drizzle with good extra virgin olive oil (or good cold-pressed oil of your choice but test a bit first to make sure the flavours won’t clash), you can even mix in a tiny bit of wild/garlic-infused oil too (but just a touch) a sprinkle of crushed sea salt flakes, grate over some parmesan or vegan alternative hard cheeze, a crack of pepper & a suitable herb of your choice… my favourite is wild thyme (or gorgeous frondy umbellifer spignel like @markwildfood uses – v jealous lol – but it’s hard to find that outside of wildest Scotland!) or you can use normal thyme/flowers, oregano/flowers, basil… just go easy on those more pungent flavours so they don’t overwhelm the delicate ceps… in fact it’s so delicious you don’t even need herbs for it to be deelish, the cheese & salty oil make it amazing as it is, the slices are nutty, mushroomy & slightly crunchy, I adore it! ♡
I made this for my Dad who was picking pears with a grabber thing from a very tall tree in their garden in the boiling sun, I thought a light snack & a cheeky glass of chilled white wine was just the ticket for such warm work ♡
And don’t waste those stems… dry or powder then for later, or even pickle or oil-preserve them, yumm!! ♡
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