Brought home some lovely fresh and fragrant new-growth alexanders from the coast at the weekend. Saving the unopened flower buds to steam and have with my dinner, and also steeping some stems and young leaves in vodka to make a liqueur and/or some bitters perhaps, we’ll see. The yellow flowers stink to me, so not using them, but the foliage and stems smell pleasantly aromatic. The stems are great candied so I expect a sweet liqueur will be a lovely treat. I might add a few of its pungent black seeds later too for extra depth, but going to try it without first and see how it tastes 🙂 Alexanders are distinctive once you’re familiar with them, but be sure you know the differences between this delicious, edible member of the carrot family and some of its most poisonous cousins, such as hemlock water dropwort… very important. If in any doubt, leave the umbelliers well alone until you’re more experienced or can be shown by a reputable foraging guide
#foraging #wildfood #coastal #alexanders #umbelliferae #apiacae #thanktheromans